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Remote Teams Virtual Coach App

Nudge Messages and Coaching on How to Succeed
in the 'New Normal' of Remote Work

A rapid transition to remote work has put a heightened strain on workplaces and their workforce. Our Remote Teams Virtual Coach app helps leaders and teams adjust to the ‘new normal’ of working remotely by reinforcing the skills and behaviors that are critical to participating in virtual meetings, managing virtual relationships, managing work and life, and engaging and collaborating virtually.


A Guide to Managing Teams While Working Virtually

Tips for Maintaining Productivity, and a Strong Workplace Culture While Working Virtually in the 'New Normal'

A rapid transition to remote work has put a heightened strain on workplaces and their workforce. Employee engagement is more vital than ever to preserving morale and productivity during this transition to working virtually in these uncertain times. This guide is meant to help leaders managing teams adjust to the ‘new normal’ of working remotely. Preserving a strong culture of collaboration, inclusion and innovation, will help teams navigate uncertain and disruptive times.

Other Resources for Working Virtually

Company culture continues to be more and more tested with every day that passes. As uncertainty and disruption loom for most industries, workforces need to adapt to survive. Teamwork, employee engagement, compassion and inclusion will all be vital for preserving any sense of productivity and innovation. As we enter the “new normal” of working remotely, whether that is temporary or a long term trend, we must all be ready empower our teams to feel included, stay engaged, and be more productive than ever so that we can return to prosperity and co-exist in a supportive and innovative virtual environment. 

Webinar - Inclusion in a Virtual Workplace

Join the Lead Inclusively team to discuss the ongoing challenges facing workforces around the globe. A smooth transition to remote work is the first step to preserving productivity and morale. An inclusive workplace culture is extremely important to navigating the uncertainties and disruptions facing workplaces everywhere.

– What will be some of the biggest adjustments to overcome
– How do they threaten ‘business as usual’
– What are some tactics to better navigating a virtual workplace
– What is the longterm opportunity beyond our current chapter

Inclusive Virtual Meetings in the Wake of the ‘Work From Home’ Movement.

In the wake of recent events, one of the most common changes we are seeing is the rapid transitions to remote work. The transition to working virtually will undoubtedly put extra emphasis on virtual meetings as the main focal point of adjustment for millions of professionals worldwide. While this article won’t help you log into audio for your next zoom meeting (godspeed to you first-timers out there), it will provide some tips for conducting inclusive and productive virtual meetings in a remote workplace. The hope is while we face some uncertain times, our work can still go on (somewhat) as normal as usual while in the safety of our homes.

Get The Virtual Workplace Guide

Adjusting and innovating in the ‘new normal’