Helping leaders to achieve better business results through inclusion
Our founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Denise Pirrotti Hummel, has expertise that aligns her protégés career goals with the strategy of the business. As the female founder and CEO of a company that was acquired by one of the largest companies in the world, she is particularly attuned to the challenges faced by acquired CEOs as they enter their new home and helps them to negotiate the important cultural transition though observation skills related to tribal knowledge, while retaining the essence of their talent. With regard to inclusion, her mentorship involves helping leaders be more inclusive in their leadership style and strategies. For women and diverse individuals, coaching often consists of helping them with the nuances of identifying the assistance they need to move through senior leadership without giving up their power and negotiating the nuances of standing out and fitting in. Denise is a member of Marshall Goldsmith’s legacy coaching team, 100 Coaches™. To hear Marshall Goldsmith explain Denise’s role on this legacy team, click here.
Never was there a more critical moment to appreciate and empower diverse thought and organizational culture than at the moment a company acquires another. Notwithstanding the millions and sometimes billions in investment, the integration strategy is often anything from non-existent to poorly aligned with the deal drivers. Acquired entities are often smaller, less complicated operationally, less hierarchical, and have a fraction of the steps from innovative thought to executing on that idea. The very entrepreneurial style of thinking, communicating and leading can, in the new entity, become a liability. Large organizations say they want and need disruption, but unless the acquired leader and surrounding stakeholders, on both sides, have the tools to assimilate the new entity without destroying the value drivers, the integration is doomed to failure. We use Denise Hummel’s affiliation with Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches to scale our coaching, consultation and workshops associated with effective integration.
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Although, there are equal number of men and women holding entry level jobs, men out number women 2-1 as early as the first step up the management ladder and that gap keeps widening all the way to the C-suite and Boards. Studies have shown that women face many challenges in the workplace when it comes to advancement and promotions. One of the proven ways for women to advance, is to have other senior women champions and mentors who coach and guide them though situations unique to women. Denise Hummel is a certified coach whose unique approach to stakeholder-centered coaching has helped many managers and leaders, both men and women. She has experienced and tackled many of the challenges women face when charting a path from middle to senior management, negotiating the nuance of standing out and fitting in, as an extra layer of complexity that most men do not face.
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Lead Inclusively has identified 3 behaviors individuals demonstrate that show inclusion. We call them the 3 Rs: Receptive, Reflective, Revitalizing. During the coaching relationship, mentees learn the behaviors associated with the 3 Rs to apply inclusive behaviors in their work life. The result is an increase in innovation and team engagement, as well as decreased risk associated with unconscious bias behaviors that unnecessarily impact leadership style and outcomes.
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